The Positron Aerospace division has been working on a fully operational, fully electric two seater airplane powered by the Positron Aero Electric Powerplant. The project is called the:
The PAEP power source is a combination of the Proton Capacitive Power Cell and Power Management platforms invented by Positron and promise electrical endurance in excess of 1,000 nautical miles of continuous flight.
Positron Aerospace is also designing a power management system for twin engine electric aircraft with expected endurance ranges in excess of 1,500 nautical miles of continuous flight.
These projects are currently in mid stage development.
Positron Aerospace has been making progress on the prototypical development of the Positron Plasma Jet (PPJ) propulsion system. This system requires no fossil fuels for operation but instead using microwaves to energize compressed air into a plasma state and shooting it out like a jet.
The PPJ uses electricity provided by the Positron Power Management system and compressed air to produce approximately 300,000 Newtons of thrust requiring around 8MW of continuous electrical input.
The plasma jet works by ionizing air to create a low-temperature plasma which is propelled into a tube by an air compressor. Inside the tube, the plasma is injected with a microwave, vibrating the ions in the plasma and crashing them against other non-ionized atoms, vastly increasing the temperature and pressure of the plasma. This temperature and pressure generates significant thrust up the quartz tube.
The magnetron will be powered by a 25kW Positron P25
Lifting a steel ball on the end of the plasma tube.
Positron Magnetics
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